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Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney in Bryan and College Station, TX

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) refers to a significant injury to the brain caused by an external force. A TBI often occurs as a result of a severe blow to the head or a penetrating injury that disrupts normal brain function. The nature of a TBI can vary dramatically, ranging from a mild concussion (also known as mild TBI) to a severe traumatic brain injury that can result in long-term complications or even death. If you or someone you love has suffered at TBI, a College Station traumatic brain injury lawyer can help you understand the options for getting justice.

Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries

There are numerous forms of traumatic brain injuries, each with its own set of characteristics. The three most common are diffuse injury, closed head, and diffuse axonal injury.

Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries

A doctor looking at an MRI of a traumatic brain injury endured by a patient who can likely sue for a personal injury claim.

Mild TBI, often synonymous with a concussion, is, thankfully, the most common type of brain injury. However, just because this injury is termed “mild” does not mean it’s not a serious head injury in its own right.

Symptoms of mild TBI can include headaches, confusion, dizziness, and changes in sleep patterns. Some people may experience blurred vision or have trouble remembering new information. Most people with mild TBI recover fully, but for some, symptoms can last for a few weeks or longer.

In a state like Texas, where football is a prominent sport and car accidents are unfortunately very common, it’s worth noting that even mild TBIs should be taken seriously. While they may not immediately appear severe, they can still result in significant brain damage if not properly treated. Any head injury should always be carefully investigated to ensure the safety and long-term brain health of the victim, and if someone’s negligence led to the injury, a Bryan traumatic brain injury lawyer can help you get the compensation needed to pay for medical bills and other losses.

Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injuries

Moderate to severe TBI can have more serious implications, sometimes leading to life-long issues or even death. Symptoms of moderate or severe TBI can range from persistent headaches and repeated vomiting to seizures, slurred speech, and weakness in the limbs. In some cases, individuals with a severe TBI might experience severely altered consciousness or fall into a persistent vegetative state.

Immediate medical attention is crucial for anyone suspected of having a moderate or severe TBI after a severe head injury. Emergency medical care seeks to ensure blood flow to the brain and the rest of the body is adequate and prevent further injury to brain tissue and brain cells.

Diagnostic tools, like Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), are often used to assess the degree and nature of the brain injury. Because of the serious nature of this injury, you should contact a TBI lawyer to ensure you get full compensation for the many expenses required to treat a TBI and the ongoing expenses required to care for a serious TBI victim.

Causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries result from a sudden, violent blow or jolt to the head or body. The leading causes vary, but these injuries are commonly associated with falls, car accidents, violence, such as domestic violence or gunshot wounds, and sports. In children, shaken baby syndrome is a specific and heartbreaking form of TBI caused by child abuse.

Diagnosing and Treating a Traumatic Brain Injury

A thorough neurological examination is typically the first step in diagnosing a traumatic brain injury. This may include using the Glasgow Coma Scale to assess a person’s level of consciousness and neurological response. Medical imaging, such as MRIs or CT scans, may be employed to visualize the extent of the brain injury.

Treatment of a traumatic brain injury depends on its severity. Mild TBI might require rest and medication for symptoms such as headaches. Moderate to severe TBI can necessitate immediate emergency care to ensure adequate blood flow and oxygen to the brain, control blood pressure, and prevent any further injury to the brain tissue.

In some cases, surgery may be required to minimize damage to brain tissue and to address related injuries, such as skull fractures or blood clots. It goes without saying that immediate medical attention is required after a traumatic brain injury (TBI), and that only a highly qualified medical professional is fit to give you specific medical advice or treatment after such an injury. A qualified TBI attorney will help you connect with medical professionals who can verify a TBI diagnosis and help you in a civil action for personal injury.

Potential Complications of a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

The repercussions of a traumatic brain injury can be extensive and life-altering. Individuals with TBI may experience a range of intellectual problems, including memory and reasoning, understanding and processing information, and communication difficulties.

Physical complications could range from seizures and infections to blood vessel damage, leading to strokes or blood clots. Behavioral changes are also common, with some individuals experiencing personality shifts, depression, or even aggressive behavior.

In some severe cases, a TBI could lead to a state called brain death, where all brain activity ceases. This condition is irreversible and considered a legal definition of death. In the worst-case scenario, a College Station traumatic brain injury lawyer can help the surviving family if a wrongful death lawsuit is appropriate.

Prevalence of TBI after Vehicle Crashes

Motor vehicle crashes account for a large proportion of TBIs, particularly in states like Texas, with high speed limits and heavy motor vehicle traffic. These crashes often result in severe injuries, including traumatic brain injuries, that can lead to significant disabilities or even death. Statewide in 2022, there were 4,037 fatal car crashes in Texas that killed 4,481 people: many fatal crashes kill more than just one person.

In addition, motor vehicle accidents in the state were the cause of another 18,880 serious injuries and 91,032 injuries classified as “minor.” Bear in mind, however, that even “minor” head injuries can have ongoing complications. Every 23 seconds, someone in the United States experiences a brain injury. Annually, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) result in around 50,000 deaths.

Car accidents account for approximately 14% of all TBI cases in the U.S., which means that, among the general population, head injuries are not primarily caused by motor vehicle accidents. But that’s not the whole story. Adolescents, young adults, and older adults are the groups most susceptible to this type of injury.

In fact, head injuries after car accidents are the primary cause of TBI-related deaths in children and young adults. While mild traumatic brain injury is more common than severe traumatic injury, thankfully, there’s no denying that we need to be doing more to protect our children. 

Many car accidents aren’t true “accidents” at all: they happen because of the negligence of a driver. In these cases, a College Station traumatic brain injury attorney can not only help victims get justice, but is also part of the overall solution. By pursuing a personal injury lawsuit, you are sending a message to all drivers: pay attention on the road and follow the law, or the personal consequences to you may be severe.

Traumatic Brain Injury and Personal Injury Lawsuits

Navigating the legal landscape following a traumatic brain injury can be challenging. It’s crucial for individuals and their families to understand their rights, particularly if the injury resulted from another party’s negligence, such as in car accidents or incidents of violence.

In Texas, personal injury law allows victims to seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and non-economic damages such as pain and suffering, all of which can be substantial in cases of traumatic brain injury. However, due to the complex nature of brain injuries, proving the full extent of the damage can be a daunting task, necessitating the need for legal expertise and ongoing expert advice from medical professionals regarding the outlook for recovery and rehabilitation.

Recovering Costs for Treating Severe Injury and Permanent Disability

The financial implications of a severe traumatic brain injury can be staggering. Costs can encompass immediate medical expenses, ongoing rehabilitation, and even long-term care. For those who suffer a severe TBI, permanent disability may result, further escalating costs and potentially leading to lost wages or even job loss.

In Texas, personal injury lawsuits can provide a vital avenue for recovering these costs. A successful claim can offer compensation for past and future medical bills, loss of earning capacity, and non-economic damages like pain and suffering.

The Importance of Professional Legal Help

Given the high stakes involved in TBI cases, obtaining professional legal help is crucial. Experienced attorneys can help navigate the legal process, ensure that the victim’s rights are protected, and strive to secure the maximum compensation possible. They bring a deep understanding of the medical implications of traumatic brain injuries, allowing them to effectively argue the case and articulate the full extent of the damages.

In Texas, as in other states, personal injury law can be complex and daunting for those not familiar with the system. Texas operates under a system called “proportional comparative fault.” This means that any compensation you receive for your injury may be reduced by the percentage of fault attributed to you in the accident. The other party involved, or their insurance company, will often work diligently to place as much blame as possible on you, even if you or your child are the ones who have endured a life-altering head injury.

They do this to reduce the amount of compensation they might have to pay out. This is why having an experienced lawyer is essential. A seasoned attorney, like Brian C. Gutierrez, can help accurately establish your degree of fault, if any. They can counter any accusations from the opposing side regarding your liability and work diligently to ensure your rights are protected and that you receive fair compensation for head injuries, other injuries, loss of property, pain and suffering, and all other losses you’ve experienced due to the negligence of another. Enlisting the aid of a legal professional who specializes in traumatic brain injuries is always best.

Finding Reliable Information about Traumatic Brain Injury

Knowledge is power when it comes to dealing with a traumatic brain injury. Several reliable sources provide valuable information about the nature of TBIs, treatments, and strategies for managing the long-term implications of these injuries. These include the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and reputable medical centers and universities, such as Johns Hopkins University and the Cleveland Clinic.

Also, support groups and rehabilitation centers offer resources for patients and their families to help them understand the challenges that come with a TBI and how to cope with them effectively. You can find support groups for those with brain tissue disorders or head injuries through the aforementioned sources or at BrainLine.

Prevention: A Crucial Aspect of Traumatic Brain Injury

While not all traumatic brain injuries can be prevented, some strategies can help reduce the risk. These include using seat belts and child car seats correctly every time the children are in the car, using helmets when biking or playing contact sports, preventing falls by using window guards and safety gates for young children, and creating safe environments for older adults.

Despite our best prevention efforts, traumatic brain injuries can and do occur. When they do, understanding the implications, knowing where to seek help, and getting the right legal support are crucial steps towards recovery and justice.

Possible Complications of a Traumatic Brain Injury

The fallout from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) extends beyond the initial trauma. Over time, moderate or severe TBIs can result in changes to all aspects of a person’s life. This includes their physical capabilities, their thinking and memory, and even their emotional well-being.

One particularly severe consequence of a traumatic brain injury is brain death. This state, in which there is no brain activity and it can’t be reversed, is devastating and irrevocable. It’s considered a legal definition of death.

For even mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) or head trauma, there can be cognitive difficulties, irreversible brain damage (even if mild), changes to vision in one or both pupils, and other complications that can last anywhere from a few weeks to many years.

The Role of the Rehabilitation Team in Treating a Traumatic Brain Injury

After the initial medical treatment, rehabilitation is an integral part of the journey towards recovery from a traumatic brain injury. Rehabilitation efforts are typically guided by a dedicated team of professionals, which may include physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, neuropsychologists, and social workers.

This team works together to improve the individual’s physical abilities, enhance their cognitive and emotional functioning, and help them re-learn daily activities. The ultimate goal is to help individuals return to where they were before the accident, and, if that is not possible, to regain as much independence as possible while improving their overall quality of life.

Navigating Life After a Traumatic Brain Injury

Living with a traumatic brain injury can be challenging. It can affect a person’s ability to work, engage in social and recreational activities, and even carry out everyday tasks. This is why it’s crucial for individuals and their families to reach out for help and tap into the myriad of resources available.

From medical and rehabilitation services to legal assistance, the right support network can help individuals navigate the difficulties that come with a traumatic brain injury. And, of course, a legal professional with extensive experience in pursuing personal injury claims for brain and spinal cord injury or other severe injuries can provide the necessary tools and information for victims to advocate for themselves, safeguard their rights, and seek compensation for the harms and losses they’ve suffered.

Don’t Wait to Get Help

A traumatic brain injury can significantly alter the course of a person’s life and the lives of those around them forever. The road to recovery is often a long and challenging one, filled with medical treatments, rehabilitation, and adjustments to daily life. It is crucial to remember, however, that you don’t have to navigate this path alone.

Should you or a loved one suffer a brain injury due to another’s negligence, you have the right to seek compensation. A successful personal injury lawsuit can provide necessary resources for medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and living expenses if the victim is unable to return to work.

We strongly urge you to seek the counsel of a knowledgeable and experienced attorney. Brian C. Gutierrez, a highly respected attorney specializing in cases involving traumatic brain injuries, is ready to stand by your side. His expertise can guide you through the complex legal process, ensuring your rights are upheld, and you receive the compensation you deserve.

Contact Brian Gutierrez Today

Don’t hesitate to reach out. If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury due to someone else’s negligence, call Brian C. Gutierrez, Attorney at Law, at 979-271-5338 right away for a free consultation and get the help you need to fight for your rights after experiencing a head injury.

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